Friday, September 10, 2010

Constitution: 1 - Biggots: 0

Something I feel is pretty darn amazing happened yesterday. A federal Judge in San Francisco tossed out Proposition 8 deeming it unconstitutional. That's right this lovely lady, Judge Virginia Philips put an end to the disgusting policy of "don't ask, don't tell" for gays in the military. I think that is absolutely amazing. Personally at first I didn't understand why gays would want to fight for a country that denies their rights to be openly who they are while defending their nation. Then after I thought about it for a while I realized despite all our down falls we still live in a pretty amazing country and they are just doing their duty to help protect whats theirs. We still have to wait for senate to eventually make a decision but so far I say that the scoreboard is favoring the constitution and the freedom of sexual orientation. Proposition 8 is unconstitutional and I for one will be very happy when this nonsense is over and more attention can be paid towards more important things.

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